The Club consist of the following categories of Membership:-
All persons who were accepted as Members prior to the General Meeting on 23rd May, 1951 shall be deemed to be Founder Members.
Any person being the sole owner of a boat shall be eligible for Ordinary Membership. A sole owner shall include a person who has the exclusive use of a boat owned by his employer or company and who can produce a letter acceptable to the Committee confirming this, provided that where the boat is in the ownership of either the employer or the company, the privileges of Membership and use of the club shall not extend to the employer, the company or any other employees of the company.
The number of Ordinary Members shall not exceed 400.
The Committee is empowered to elect or remove at its discretion, Honorary Members to the club. Honorary Membership of the club shall lapse after 12 months but being eligible may be extended from time to time. An Honorary shall pay neither new Member fees nor subscription, but shall be subject to all other Rules and Bye-laws of the Club.
Overseas Membership is available to Members of the club who leave Nigeria permanently or semi permanently but who wish to retain an interest in the club by paying a one off fee equivalent to one year’s subscription as an Ordinary Member. Use of the club will be subject to Bye-law 12(b).
Up-Country Membership is available to Ordinary Members who are residing outside 60 kilometers radius of the Club house. Any Up-Country Member wishing to revert to ordinary Membership shall notify the Honorary Secretary and be entitled to immediate change of status notwithstanding any temporary infringement of Rule 4(b) and receive priority on application as to allocation of a berth subject to boat inspection.
Ordinary Members of seven years standing shall be eligible to transfer to non-Launching Membership. Ordinary Members of seven years standing who have failed to comply with the Bye-Laws relating to the Application of Berths for a period of one year may be transferred. The number of Ordinary Members (Non-Launching) shall be at the discretion of the Committee. An Ordinary Member (Non-Launching) who wishes to revert to Ordinary Membership shall on written application to the Honorary Secretary be entitled to immediate change of status notwithstanding any temporary infringement of Rule 4(b) and receive priority on application as to allocation of a berth subject to boat inspection.
Visiting Armed Forces Officers, Masters and Officers of vessels in port and also temporary visitors to Lagos Motor Boat Club can be granted the privilege of Temporary Membership during their stay in Lagos at the discretion of the Committee. Any Temporary Member shall pay a deposit against bar consumption which shall not be less than the current bar deposits by new Members.
Reciprocal Membership with other clubs shall be void except with the approval of Members.
Provided however that any change in status of Membership shall take effect only on the First of January following such change.
Any company that is shown to be reputable, to have been in existence for at least five years and that is the sole owner of a boat shall be eligible to be elected as a Corporate Member. A boat shall not be considered to be solely owned by a company if any Ordinary Member has been given exclusive use of the boat.
Company shall include companies registered under Part A of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, Statutory Corporations, Partnerships and Associations registered under Part C of the Corporate and Allied Matters Act.
The number of a Corporate Member’s Directors and/or Management Staff who shall be eligible to enjoy the privileges of the Club shall not exceed four (4) provided that each such person shall have been duly nominated by the Corporate Member and approved by the Committee.
Only persons duly nominated by a Corporate Member and duly approved by the Committee to enjoy the privileges of the Club may represent the interests of the corporate Member in the Club.
Subject to the Committee’s approval a Corporate Member may replace any of the persons nominated by it to enjoy the privileges of the Club.
The number of Corporate Members shall not exceed twenty (20).